Bucket-wheel excavators for combined stacking and reclaiming are efficient in handling bulk materials such as pellets, fine ore, coal and coke. Although the diversity of the bulk material makes the automation very challenging, iSAM was successful in developing the first autonomous, driverless stacker/reclaimer for iron ore and coal handling in the late 1990s. This solution is based on a combination of 3D laser and GPS technology which has already proven itself over 15 years and is today in use also in iSAM autonomous ship loading and unloading systems.
Real-time terrain model of the whole stockyard
Output at least comparable to values that can be achieved in manual mode
Operation of all stacker/reclaimers from a central control station
Neat representation of the overall stockyard with color-coding for stockpile heights; support for a simple terrain and job planning
the Netherlands
United States
the Netherlands